Firefox add-ons for blogging
Feel lazy to post a blog entry like always? Don’t worry, the browser add-ons below will help you to solve the problem.
ScribeFire Blog Editor
This full-featured blog editor that integrates with your firefox browser and lets you easily post to your blog, created by cfinke and has been downloaded 2.7 millions times. Value speaks louder than words. Let’s download it.
Zemanta regularly develops the author's dashboard blogs or e-mail, filling the fly with the suggestions of content relevant to the current text. It features photos, links, articles, tags in a simple interface. It encourages recycling and link to another content with as a little effort as possible - a single click Post. Zemanta supports WordPress, Blogger, TypePad, Movable Type, Drupal, Tumblr platforms and e-mail, Google Mail and Yahoo Mail. Download now.
eLert Blog
If you want to blog about anything just click on the icon and choose the Elert Blog Post For an option. You can also view the contents of web pages by highlighting the contents and then right click on the page and choose the Post blog. The content highlighted, will become part of your blog. Finally, job done, easy to follow, a simple process, now published in several networks such as blog platforms such as Twitter, FaceBook, eLertGadget, Blogger, WordPress and MySpace to increase your exposure. Try it now!!!
Clipmarks lets you cut and share specific parts of articles, blogs or anything you read on the web. Newly integrated with Amplify service, you can publish directly to Twitter or Facebook, WordPress, Blogger, TypePad, Live Journal and other blogging platforms.
Use Amplify to cut, split, and spark debate excerpts from articles, blogs, Twitter, or whatever you can read online. Auto posting support for Twitter, Facebook, WordPress, Posterous, Tumblr and more.
Before you use these things you should know how to blog and what to blog. This to ensure the firefox add-ons above will help you in your blogging career. To receive more updates subscribe to my feed and contact me if you have any enquiries.
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