How to increase blog ranking

Blog ranking is very important for a blog or a website that mainly for marketing purpose. It can make your blog or website famous in the search engine, hence, drive more traffic to your niche. Every blogger eager to have an enormous traffic to their blog, in order to generate more revenue for their Google Adsense and other Pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

How to increase your blog ranking?

1. Register  your site on alexa.

First of all, go to the and sign up for an account or navigate directly with your Facebook account. After you have done registering your account and successfully log in, then you need to go to the Site Tool menu bar.

After that you need to claim your site by typing your blog address:

Then you’ll be directed to next page, which is the first option you need to download the text file and upload it to the blog directory (If your blog is self hosted). Finally, you need to “verify my text file”.

The second option is the best for the blogger platform. You just need to add the meta tag to the homepage of your blog. All you need to do:

  1. Open your blogger dashboard on new tab or window in your browser
  2. Go to design
  3. Edit html
  4. Paste the code between the opening <head> tag and the closing </head> tag of the HTML
  5. Save your template
  6. Go back to alexa site, and “verify my meta tag”


You should wait several days before your site will be approved. The important part is, you must download the alexa toolbar and install it on your browser. After that, set up your blog address as your homepage in your default browser. Trust me, this easiest hack, will work to increase your blog ranking in alexa.

Other than that, you must update your blog regularly, because alexa will produce a statistic about your blog, similar to Google Analytic.


2. Increase Google Page Rank

Google page rank is very important, as it will push your site to the front page of the google search if your site has the higher page rank and the user search something related to your blog entries. In this case of course keywords that you’re using are very important. Use unique keywords as your blog title.

I will give tips to increase your page rank on the go:

  • Link your related previous posts with your new blog entry
  • You blog should have various incoming links from other blogs or websites.

Many successful bloggers use these techniques to increase their Google page rank, then why you feel hesitate? Try to apply these info in your new blog entry, and you’ll see your Google page rank may increase. 

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